Monday, March 31, 2008

An Inclusive Culture

An Inclusive Culture - Challenging Homophobic and Sexist Bullying

The Association of Teachers and Lecturers has given its implicit support to the work of "There Are No Outsiders" with the publication of its position statement which identifies heterosexism as the principle problem in the lives of LGBT staff and students.

"Tackling homophobia and sexism using the concept of heterosexism


The concept of heterosexism includes a focus on both homophobia and sexism and therefore enables us to account for the underlying cultural prejudice against lesbian, gay and bisexual people. This prejudice is firmly tied to dominant male and female identities that rely on heterosexuality as a norm. 

Heterosexism includes attitudes, behaviour and practices that constitute heterosexuality as the norm. At the same time, heterosexism reflects and encourages a dislike or feeling of superiority towards girls and women. 

ATL believes that we can only successfully tackle sexism and homophobia by seeing them as two integral parts of the wider cultural problem of heterosexism. Heterosexism advocates and supports a narrowly defined set of heterosexual sex/gender identities that restrict everyone. Those who do not conform to these stereotypical notions of ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ are frequently subjected to homophobic and sexist bullying and abuse."

Taken from:

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